Uniqa Investor relations
Investing in a better future together. Think long-term and become a shareholder.
News ticker

UNIQA shares
UNIQA shares are a solid investment with an attrative return on your capital.
Share chart
The share chart shows the price development of the UNIQA Group share, opening and closing price as well as daily high and low.
Share figures
The most important share figures of the last five years.
As we are aware of our responsibility for UNIQA’s longterm sustainable development and the capital invested by our shareholders, it is important to us that UNIQA shareholders enjoy a reasonable portion of the company’s profits.
Analyst research & ratings
The confirmation of the A– rating from Standard & Poor’s impressively proves our financial strength.
Shareholder structure
The shareholder structure of the UNIQA Group is stable. The core shareholder UNIQA Versicherungsverein Privatstiftung (Group) holds a total of 49.0 per cent of the UNIQA shares.
Shares in the UNIQA Insurance Group AG are listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Debt investors
With more than €1 billion in sustainable investments and the objective of being climateneutral by 2040, our Group is one of the pioneers in the Austrian insurance industry.

Publications concerning Investor Relations from 1999 until today are available for you to read here.

Corporate Governance
The UNIQA Group is committed to complying with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance in the latest respective version.
Reports & codes
The UNIQA Group is committed to complying with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance in the latest respective version.
You will find all relevant information on the subject of management, Supervisory Board committees, and the independence of Supervisory Board and committee members here.
Directors´ dealings
Disclosure pursuant to rule 73 of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance regarding the purchase and sale of shares in UNIQA Insurance Group AG.
Overview of the appointment of the auditors of the annual and consolidated financial statements since 2012 financial year 2012
IR agenda
All IR events

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of UNIQA Insurance Group AG took place on June 3rd, 2024.
Archive of Annual General Meeting
All relevant documents of the last years are available in the archive of the Annual General Meeting.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Investor Relations team.
UNIQA Investor Relations
Untere Donaustraße 21
A-1029 Vienna
+43 1 21175-3773E-mail: