UNIQA Insurance Group AG (Group holding company)
UNIQA Insurance Group AG was established in 1999. It is the parent company of the UNIQA Group and acts as the central reinsurer. UNIQA Insurance Group AG is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange.
Management Board of UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Supervisory Board
Dr. Burkhard Gantenbein (Chairman)
Dr. Johann Strobl (1st Vice Chairman)
Dr. Elgar Fleisch (2nd Vice Chairman)
Mag. Marie-Valerie Brunner (3rd Vice Chairwoman)
Dr. Markus Andréewitch
Mag. Klaus Buchleitner, MBA
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Anna Maria D'Hulster
Dr. Monika Henzinger
Ass.iur. Jutta Kath
Dr. Rudolf Könighofer
Assigned by the Centra Employee Council:
Sabine Andre
Irene Berger
Peter Gattinger
Heinrich Kames
Mag. Harald Kindermann
UNIQA International
The Management Boards of the individual Group companies can be found under UNIQA in Europe.
Corporate Structure