UNIQA Bulgaria: 30 years of living better together
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Our community is a community of solidarity. In 2022, that proved to be more important than ever. Read more on the various CSR activities supported by UNIQA in several countries.
Based on our claim "living better together", our colleagues from across the CEE region organised and supported a wide range of CSR activities this year.
After all, responsibility, integrity and sustainability are essential components of our UNIQA 3.0 strategy, which combines our economic aspirations with a clear ecological and social commitment to the environment and society.
In addition, it is essential to us that our CSR activities also awaken and actively promote our employees' interest in charitable causes and the community. Creating environmental and social benefits is increasingly becoming a clear goal in our co-existence.
Inspired by UNIQA Insurance Group, UNIQA SIGAL has been providing the first and only Vital Truck in the region since 2015, offering free health check-ups to thousands of citizens throughout Albania. Under the slogan "Prevention is better than cure", the Vital Truck has provided examinations and measurements for different types of diseases, including blood pressure and ECG measurements, blood glucose measurements and eye exams.
UNIQA Macedonia organizes blood donation for employees twice a year. Under the motto "Giving blood means giving hope and saving lives", this year the entire staff of the company donated blood. Together with the Red Cross of Skopje, they encouraged other citizens to donate blood to save the health and lives of people in need.
Employees from UNIQA Montenegro, UNIQA Bosna and Hercegovina and UNIQA Hungary have also been regularly donating blood.
As a sponsor, SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Kosovo supported the International Film Festival "Art Without Borders" (AWLIF), which took place on December 1-3 in Pristina.
AWLIF deals with the situation of people with disabilities and special needs on a local as well as global level.
Approximately 1,000 films from 100 different countries were submitted for this year's festival, of which only 50 were selected to appear in the program of the third edition.
This year, the opening and awards ceremony was accompanied by four amazing, exceptional musicians, including sisters Blerina and Alda Salari from Albania. These two sisters are also involved in a short documentary called "Lulebore", which is in the official competition this year.
UNIQA Croatia organized a scholarship competition for students with disabilities "Better education opportunities". The competition was open to high school and university students from all over Croatia, regardless of the school or programme they are studying at. Through its scholarship programme, UNIQA strives for inclusiveness and actively promotes quality education for people with disabilities. The seven students selected by the committee will receive a monthly scholarship in the academic year 2022-2023 for the duration of the scholarship agreement for a period of one year.
UNIQA is the community for a better life – and therefore UNIQA Austria supports ongoing events of Special Olympics Austria as a strong sponsoring partner until the end of 2025. UNIQA was also a strong partner at this year's Special Olympics Austria summer games. "Community" was written in capital letters: Because more than 200 employees were up close and personal as volunteers from June 23 to 28 in Burgenland, Austria. "Together for a smile" - there could not have been a more fitting motto for the 8th National Summer Games of Special Olympics Austria. Like no other sporting event, these competitions stand for inclusion in the best sense.
UNIQA Asigurari S.A. has decided to support the Skills4Life project launched by Scoala de Valori, UNIQA's partner NGO in Romania. The goal was not only to build a culture of learning within the organisation, but also to support the external Skills4Life project.
With a positive learning culture, they are able to increase motivation and improve team productivity, as well as recognize internal talents and support them in an appropriate way.
The UNIQA Learning Marathon took place over a period of 10 weeks (from September until December). A total of 30 sessions were held with 413 participants. At the end, the participation and attendance at the training sessions translated into a donation of €3,500 to the Skills4Life project. The aim of this project is to support students and young people to develop their potential, skills and strengths and to have enough information to make the right decisions regarding their further education and their career in the labor market.
This year, UNIQA Bosnia and Herzegovina's support focused on youth and culture. UNIQA Osiguranje d.d. Sarajevo donated musical instruments and other equipment worth €5,000 to the Primary Music School "Mladen Pozajić" in Sarajevo. This educational institution attended by approximately 440 pupils has received twenty new instruments, which are necessary for teaching. The donation was accompanied by a concert played by the school's pupils in honor of UNIQA Insurance Company.
As an artistic and educational institution for the little ones, we are extremely honored to have donors and friends in the insurance company UNIQA Osiguranje d.d. Sarajevo. The greatness of UNIQA Insurance as a successful European company is also reflected in improving the conditions for the education of the youngest artists so that they can enrich themselves and their surroundings through the world of classical music
Since its establishment, UNIQA Insurance Company has supported many socially responsible and cultural projects and, in addition to the latest donation of instruments, was also a sponsor of the second international piano competition "Matusija Blum", which provided awards for the best young pianists.
UNIQA in Slovakia established a partnership and cooperation with the Mental Health League, which is its strategic partner in the field of CSR. The events of recent years have had a significant negative impact on the mental health of both adults and children. Increasing numbers of children and young people are battling with frustration, anxiety, fear and anger.
This year, in collaboration with experts from the Mental Health League, UNIQA and other cooperating partners have developed a project to help provide specialist therapeutic treatment for children from vulnerable families. On December 1, along with other partners and people who took part in a public fundraiser, funds were raised to improve access to psychological help for children across the country. UNIQA's contribution of €30,000 accounted for one third of the total amount raised and will provide professional help to almost 200 children in need.
By supporting mental health, UNIQA goes above and beyond what people expect from an insurance company. But we do it because people need it, now more than ever. The stigmatisation of mental illness, as well as the lack of available capacity for specialist treatment is alarming.
Three out of four students in Poland have experienced some form of cyberbullying. One in three never told anyone about it. One in three students is more afraid of online hate than real-world violence. These statistics show that cyberbullying is a serious problem. UNIQA TU S.A. has decided to change this and create an innovative product that offers protection also on the Internet. The first online hate crime insurance on the market responds to a real problem and provides real tools to tackle it: psychological and legal support, as well as support from IT specialists.
In a second step, UNIQA TU S.A. also teamed up with the Lema Institute and together they organized workshops on cyberbullying for students, teachers and parents in schools across Poland.
Students often don't know how to deal with the situation when they become victims of online hate. Parents are not aware of what their children are doing online and often do not care enough about it. Teachers often fail to monitor their students, are unaware of new forms of bullying that are emerging online and are therefore unable to diagnose and address problems in this area.
This year, all UNIQA companies within the SEE region joined together in an initiative to make the holidays more pleasant for children without parental care. The joy of giving was shared with SOS Children's Villages and other organisations that care for children without proper parental care by making a monetary donation in each country. The total amount of the donations sums up to EUR 16,000. In addition, all employees were able to participate in this joint initiative by donating gifts for the children such as books, sweets, games, toys, board games, puzzles, IQ games, constructors and beauty accessories.
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