Code for Transparent Cooperation

By joining the "Code for Transparent Cooperation" UNIQA commits itself to transparent dealings with NGOs, associations and sponsorships.

With the recognition of the Code we want to:

  • give the public clear insight into which NGOs we work with,
  • explain in what way and for what purpose we are involved,
  • face the discourse on how our stakeholders judge it.

As media coverage in recent weeks has shown, the issue of transparency in politics and business is increasingly becoming the focus of public debate. As a responsible corporate citizen, UNIQA is taking this development into account and, together with a number of like-minded companies, has committed itself to transparent dealings with non-profit organisations (NPOs) in the "Code for Transparent Cooperation".

The Code defines basic principles such as voluntary commitments, fundamental principles, as well as concrete, binding standards and areas of application for four different forms of cooperation between companies and NPOs:

  • unpaid cooperation,
  • donations,
  • paid cooperation such as sponsoring,
  • and memberships of companies and their representatives in NPOs.

In addition, the code formulates clear proposals for implementation, such as NPO due diligence, mechanisms for monitoring, and recommendations for communication. These help to prevent risks that can arise through lack of transparency.

The Code - in whose conception UNIQA was involved - is formulated from the outset in such a way that it can be quickly and easily adapted with self-obligations and transparency rules for NPOs. It is essential that the Code is included in the contracts that UNIQA enters into with NPOs.

Code for Transparent Cooperation

Disclosure of donations and paid cooperation with non-profit organisations 2022

Disclosure of donations and paid cooperation with non-profit organisations 2021