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Corporate & Affinity International: from an internal startup to a major business-pillar within UNIQA Group

10.06.2024 5 minutes reading time

UNIQA Corporate & Affinity Business has been on a remarkable journey since its launch in 2011. Starting with a small corporate book with  premium volume around 100 million, the business model achieved tremendous success over the past decade. In 2023 with a premium volume above EUR 1 billion and an excellent underwriting result of EUR 130 million, the Corporate & Affinity sector is further expanding to drive market leadership in CEE. 

From 360-degree tailormade corporate customer solutions to innovative insurance products for SMEs

In 2022, UNIQA introduced a new group-wide B2B growth strategy for the expansion of its corporate business, ranging from micro to large companies, focusing on customer-centricity, digitalization, and affinity solutions. So, while the focus from 2011 onwards was mostly on tailor-made corporate insurance solutions for large customers, the aim now is to offer innovative solutions and custom-fit services to all business clients, leveraging a combination of standardized and customized insurance solutions. All of this, while keeping up the high standard of risk engineering and underwriting knowledge needed for complex corporate insurance solutions.

Despite all the differences between micro, SMEs, and large enterprises, they all have similar interests: First and foremost, they want to reduce risks by transferring them to an insurance company. Moreover, they care for and want to protect their employees, lastly, they strive to serve customers with the best products and services

UNIQA offers solutions for all these areas: Traditional insurance for risk transfer, employee benefits solutions for the company's employees, and affinity solutions, which are perfect ways to differentiate and enhance their core products and services.

“How can we best serve our customer with the skillset that we, as UNIQA Group have? This is the question we had in mind when developing our Corporate & Affinity strategy, which we have been implementing successfully since 2022. With the great experience and know-how in risk engineering and underwriting we have in our team in combination with technical and digital applications, we are able to provide unique services and solutions to all corporate customers. The range from standardized or building-block products to highly individualized insurance solutions make it possible for us to serve basically every enterprise in CEE” explains Olivera Böhm-Rybak, Chief Corporate & Affinity Officer International.

Olivera Boehm Rybak
Olivera Böhm Rybak (Credit: UNIQA, Tobias Nessweda)

At UNIQA, we understand that every company is unique, so we offer the needed solutions to our corporate customers. Our focus on customer centricity differentiates us, and we are committed to delivering innovative products and services that help our customers succeed.

Olivera Böhm-Rybak, Chief Corporate & Affinity Officer International
C&A International UNIQA

Risk transfer   

With the new strategy, UNIQA Corporate & Affinity Business is today providing appropriate solutions like property, liability, or motor fleet insurance, just to name a few for each corporate customer segment. This means, that for Micro enterprises UNIQA offers simple and ready-to-buy insurance products. For the SME segment, the focus is on pick-and-choose-components to create a customized insurance product that perfectly fits the customer’s needs. Tailor-made solutions are perfect for large corporations, which often act internationally, requiring individualized solutions across countries and regions.

Employee Benefits Solutions  

Besides taking over the company risks, UNIQA also offers employee benefits solutions. Beyond insuring employees in life, health, or accident areas, those solutions help employers to recruit top talents, increase employee satisfaction and motivation, reduce the number of occupational accidents, and create a more productive and happier work environment.     

With more than EUR 200 million GWP in 2023 in CEE, employee benefits solutions have become a strong pillar within the  corporate business model.   

Affinity Solutions  

For companies seeking to broaden their offerings and attract a broader customer base, the innovative affinity solutions provide a competitive edge, enabling them to enrich their core products with insurance products from UNIQA tailored to specific industries and sectors.  

For example, companies can add accident coverage for work and leisure, breakage, or theft coverage for items such as glasses and electrical appliances, or mobility assistance solutions.  

One of the key success factors of affinity business is its flexibility and scalability. Digital insurance solutions as part of the affinity programs can be seamlessly integrated into various sales processes across industries such as retail, energy, mobility, and telecommunications. 

UNIQA's affinity programs already provide its services to 15 industries with 52 unique products.  

Goal: UNIQA as first choice for corporate clients in CEE

In line with our B2B strategy, we will continue to expand and scale our 360-degree service offering for corporate customers. The aim is to become the leading corporate insurer in our CEE markets. In addition to industry-specific insurance solutions and offers in the areas of affinity and employee benefits, this now also includes consulting services that go beyond traditional insurance, for example, in the areas of ESG and risk management,” explains Wolfgang Kindl, Member of the Management Board of UNIQA Insurance Group AG responsible for Customer & Market International.

Wolfgang Kindl
Wolfgang Kindl, UNIQA Insurance Group AG, Member of the Management Board Customer & Market International (© UNIQA/Natascha Unkart & Isabelle Köhler)