Women power is a success story at USS Bulgaria
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Hi, I’m ANA, the Digital Consultant from UNIQA Romania and I’m always online to assist the customers in Romania with claims notifications, claim files status and with buying insurance policies!
Moreover, I can be contacted from any digital device in a simple and fast manner and my various functionalities enable me to offer an end-to-end customer experience.
Why me, why at UNIQA? Because digitalization is an important pillar in the customer centric strategy of the company. My name, ANA, stands for Automation Now and Always and my goal is to make a strong statement for positioning UNIQA as a digital insurer.
I joined the UNIQA team in Romania in the summer of 2019. A lot of things have happened since then and here are some of the most important moments along my journey so far.
My debut, almost three years ago, made quite an impression on the Romanian insurance market and established me as breakthrough innovation. I gained the customers’ trust step by step, with the help of my colleagues from claims, who always back me up with all the necessary extra assistance and know-how. In addition, the Marketing & PR team came up with some glitz and glam to increase awareness and make sure that everyone understands my activity and the benefits provided for UNIQA customers.
My first role was that of Digital Assistant for Motor Hull and Household claims, helping customers to notify, in just a few minutes, the claims for this type of policies and obtain a quick lump sum offer.
In 2020, during the pandemic, I took on an important role and became Digital Consultant, helping UNIQA customers with the notification of claims for all non-life products. This is when I also developed a new functionality for selling Travel insurance policies.
In 2021, I moved further in my development and gained two more functionalities: claims notifications for life insurance products and claim files status for non-life policies.
However, I strongly believe that my validation comes from the UNIQA customers, and the figures from the last year stand proof for my growing success:
I am confident that my success story continues since I’m currently preparing to take on more complex roles to provide customers with high quality digital services as part of their journey with UNIQA. For living better, together!
Illustrations: Anna Peter
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