Efficient & green: sustainable energy supply at UNIQA
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Since 2022, the Group Data & IT division has been hosting the Global UNIQA IT Talks, an online forum open to all colleagues group-wide, who are interested in topics from the tech field. The forum's purpose has been to facilitate knowledge sharing all across the company by discussing success stories, and exchanging best practices, and address challenges that we face within the realm of Data and IT.
The IT Talks has thus established itself as an online platform for participants to engage in diverse discussions, pose questions, and glean insights from each other's experiences across various IT areas.
As of now, seven Global IT Talks have been organized since its launch, each attracting around 400 participants on an average. The Talks have had a far-reaching impact, with a community of more than 1000 colleagues from Data & IT, who have presented projects being managed on a cross-border basis from Central Europe all the way to South East Europe.
The inaugural Global UNIQA IT Talks hosted by the team from Hungary, delved into the intricacies of the project implemented in a consortium including 11 banks and 11 insurance companies with the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT), or simply known as blockchain. The opening session attracted nearly 500 Data & IT Enthusiasts group-wide, thus laying the foundation for future talks, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.
The second IT Talks, hosted by our colleagues from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, shifted the spotlight to 'Data Platform – Combined Cloud and OnPrem Architecture at UNIQA CZ/SK.' The session not only shared project insights but also featured a quiz and an engaging Q&A session. The positive feedback and enthusiasm from participants marked the event's success, reinforcing its importance within the Group Data & IT community.
The third IT Talks took a closer look at 'How we deliver new features within one day: A look at the CICD set-up of Digital Channels.' Keeping the needs of the customers at heart, the international team from Austria and Slovakia showcased how they went from quarterly releases to multiple deployments per day with an agile setup. CICD, which stands for Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery helps to streamline and accelerate the software development process so that better service can be offered directly to the customers without delay.
It was an honour for me to be a co-presenter for topic of Power apps during Global IT Talks. I felt excitement of the community to learn about new technologies. I look forward to next parts of Global IT Talks. Sharing is caring!
The fourth IT Talks was hosted by colleagues from Romania, Slovakia, and Austria on the topic 'Robotics Solutions for Process Automation: Focus on the U.CRM Area.' With the help of a demo in front of an audience of over 400 people, the team showed the robotic solutions they are using to increase speed and accuracy as well as reduce costs and human error. The hosts addressed a myriad of questions during the extended Q&A session, highlighting the audience's keen interest in robotics and automation.
Hosted by colleagues from Austria, the focus was on 'Empowering Knowledge Interaction: The “Chat with Your Documents” Prototype by Group Data & Analytics.' This promised to be another insightful session, showcasing how a virtual assistant built by the team could help in looking up information instantly by structuring documentation and centralising the knowledge.
For me, the UNIQA IT Talks are an excellent opportunity for all IT professionals to expand their knowledge, gain new insights, and perhaps get a broader picture of what others are doing in our organization.
This session was hosted by colleagues from Slovakia, who focused on ‘Introducing the Microsoft Power Platforms’. The main outcome of the event was the general introduction of Power Platform, supported by live demonstrations of use-cases developed in MS Power Platform and how these applications can be created by everyone.
Igor Zilka, Group Lead of UITS Customer Frontends, tells us more about his experience, “It was an honour for me to be a co-presenter for topic of Power apps during Global IT Talks. I felt excitement of the community to learn about new technologies and I was very happy that I could contribute with my little part. I also very much appreciated interactive feedback during the session and excellent support from organizers. I look forward to next parts of Global IT Talks. Sharing is caring!”
Igor Zilka
UNIQA SEE presented their journey of Cloud implementation and how they use cloud to transform their IT landscape within the region in high level perspective. During this event, which approximately 400 attended, they introduced areas of Azure Arc & Log Collector, Cloud as a data store and Domain Controller in Cloud.
Mirza Telalovic, Infrastructure Core Platforms Lead and presenter at the IT Talks says, “For me, the UNIQA IT Talks are an excellent opportunity for all IT professionals to expand their knowledge, gain new insights, and perhaps get a broader picture of what others are doing in our organization. When UNIQA SEE region got the opportunity to showcase its work, we gladly participated and made our contribution. One of the main reasons for participating in IT Talk is that the SEE region believes that implementing a cloud environment significantly enhances the resilience of our organization and improves service quality. However, we also know that the journey towards that goal is not easy. That's precisely why we wanted to encourage others and, at the same time, provide information and assistance to fellow members in the group, motivate them, and initiate certain activities in cloud implementation.”
Mirza Telalovic
The IT Talks has enabled to build a community for IT Enthusiasts and offers a platform to everyone from Group Data & IT to present their case studies, projects, and products in front of an international audience. Based on the huge amount of interest and positive feedback received from the previous sessions, the event is now scheduled to take place four times a year.
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